- I am thankful for a loving God and the fact that he loved me so much he sent his son to die for my sins.
- I am thankful for God's grace, for without it my life would be full of despair.
- I am thankful I live in a country where I am free.
- I am thankful for all who keep my country free.
- I am thank for a husband who loves me unconditionally.
- I am thankful for three step-children and their families who have allowed me to a part of their lives.
- I am thankful for five beautiful, healthy grandchildren.
- I am thankful for parents and in-laws who instilled a Godly life in our lives.
- I am thankful for my entire extended family, and especially for siblings and siblings-in-law who love me just as I am.
- I am thankful for a wonderful career, where I work with committed professionals who have hearts for children and who are my friends.
- I am thankful for students--past and present-- whom I love, not just as my students but as the people they become.
- I am thankful for my friends.
- I am thankful for a warm home, while it is snowy and cold outside.
- I am thankful for a full freezer.
- I am thankful I live in a beautiful place, where God graces us with four beautiful seasons.
- I am thankful for coaches who love my son almost as much as I do.
- I am thankful for those same coaches who help us remember my Bulldog, whether it is a 55 decal on a helmet or an ADG #40 on basketball shoes.
- I am thankful for teammates and friends of my son who always say hello or wave to me, letting me still be a part of their lives.
- I am thankful for a community who have given in Andrew's name, allowing football players to be warm on cold Friday nights, basketball players to shine in new uniforms, or a young person to experience God's love at Young Life Camp.
I do have a lot to be thankful for. However, above all, when I visit that beautiful spot on a hill overlooking the valley, I am thankful for my son whom I had for sixteen precious years, and who knew Jesus with whom he now resides with in heaven.
Your blog continues to make me thankful for all that I have. Head on over to my blog one day and check out my boys...I guarantee they'll bring a smile to your face!